Wednesday, April 27, 2011

COAL...Facts You should know!

Coal effects all of our lives even though you don't think it does!

The average haulage truck holds about 25 tons of coal. A rail car holds about 100 tons, or the equivilent of 4 trucks. A river coal barge holds about 1500 tons, the equivalent of 15 rail cars or 60 trucks.

It takes one pound of coal to produce 1.25 kilowatt/hours of electricity, enough to light one 100 watt lightbulb for 10 hours.

 A typical computer spread with internet access requires about 1,000 watts of power.

A lump of coal is burned every time a book is ordered

It takes about a pound of coal to create, package,
store and move 2 megabytes of data.

The average internet user (12 hours per week) uses
over 300 pounds of coal annually for this purpose.

The total demand for electricity from personal computers
on the internet amounts to 8% of the U.S. electrical

When one billion people are accessing the internet,
as is projected, the required electricity will be equal to
total current capacity of U.S. electric power production.

One ton of coal equals 3.8 barrels of oil, 189 gallons
of gasoline, one cord of firewood, 21,000 cubic feet of
natural gas, and 6,500 kilowatts of electricity.

WV Coal Facts                  

• West Virginia coal is shipped to 33 states and the District of Columbia.

• West Virginia coal is shipped to 25 countries.

• West Virginia provides 50% of all American coal exports.

• West Virginia is the national leader in underground mining production.

• West Virginia is second only to Wyoming in U.S. coal production.

• West Virginia coal is second to none in the value of its coal production at $6.7 billion.

• The coal industry and the coal burning electric generating industry together represent nearly
60% of the business taxes paid to the State of West Virginia.

• West Virginia coal miners earn an average of more than $62,700 annually, more than twice
the amount of the statewide average for all workers.

• West Virginia’s coal industry pays nearly Two Billion Dollars in annual direct wages.

• Every coal mining job generates between five and eight other jobs in the local economy.

• Since 1863, West Virginia has mined nearly 13 billion tons of coal.

• West Virginia’s estimated recoverable coal reserves amount to nearly 53 billion tons.

• Coal is responsible for more than $3.5 billion to West Virginia’s gross state product, nearly
13% of the total.

• 20% of New York electricity is generated by coal, at an average cost of 13 cents per kilowatt/

• 99% of West Virginia electricity is generated by coal, at an average cost of 5 cents per kilowatt/hour.

• More than half of American electricity is generated by coal, at an average cost of 8 cents per kilowatt/hour.

If you want to lern more go to

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